Custom properties in Ueyen are easy to modify, you can change the multiplier variables in the control-panel.scss
. Or you can enable/disable the use of custom attributes from the Control Panel.
You can override any variable in the file control-panel.scss
and change the look of Ueyen.
We can easily enable or disable the use of custom properties in control-panel.scss by changing the value of the $custom-properties
to true or false.
Enabling/disabling (true/false)
There are multiple types of multiplier variables in the Control Panel. Changing those variables will change the custom property values throughout all the breakpoints.
Breakpoint multipliers
Specific Multipliers
The following Global attributes are being overridden by the custom attributes. If you change them in the Control Panel.
Overridden global-font-size
Overridden global-header-font-size
Overridden global-padding
Overridden global-width
Overridden global-height
Overridden global-side
Overridden global margin-small
Overridden global icon-size
Overridden global-button